Thursday, May 24, 2007

Turn signals...they are not just the towns way of gussying up the road ways...they are useful too. You can use them as a means of determining when it is safe for you to make a turn. Thoughtful and accommodating huh? Yeah....SO USE THEM AND STOP STARING AT THEM!!!!! I just can't stand it when I have to Andretti my way to work because I don't know which personality will be managing the office and I have to sit behind some jackass staring at the turn arrow. "Derrr....sideways V with a tail, what does that mean?...der why is there a vehement looking butch chick in a filthy blue truck screaming at me to move?....Is that Bad Brains she's blasting?"
Yeah, schmuck...move it.
Ugh...and don't even get me started...Sirius added a punk channel. OMG....its awesome. Usually the only way you can listen to good punk is on some college radio show at 4 a.m.
There used to be this young girl I used to work with and she said she was into punk. I was like, " you're in stuff like The Vandals, Exploited?" Blank stare. "How about Black Flag....TSOL....The Descendents?" She replies, "I like Green Day" Of course you do. Kids today...LOL.
Lotus' bday is in a week. She'll be two. Two years, I have owned a living thing....and its doing GREAT. LOL. I have to find a new vet for her because her current vet has no problem letting pet store owners come on his shitty cable show and get a little marketing time by bringing the mill puppies they sell in the slavery market they call a pet store(and don't think for a second any of the other animals they sell there come from any better a place). I refuse to give that asshole any more of my money...if I'm paying him, and he is supporting the corruption known as puppy mills then inadvertently I am supporting it. Plus if I bring Lotus in for her check up and I am in an exam room with this guy.....well...I just can't afford bail AND her check up. LOL.
When I pick up her records I have to remember to drop off some puppy mill info. If you knew a clothes line used sweat shop kids to make their clothes, and you personally saw the devastating effects of sweatshops on the children...would you feel right buying those clothes still?
Not only did my family have to suffer through the harsh realities of two dogs from over bred broods...but in the training ring I had to explain to people that because its a pet store dog, its sub par both health wise and behavior wise. I had a couple of good cries (like thats a hard thing to do right..I have a soft heart in certain situations) with several students when they realized their dogs really would be better off on the other side. I've stood in front of the doggie day care and pointed out to other bystanders the differences that were visible between healthy dogs from good breeders and the sickly deformed ones from mills(I could have been fired for this...should have a couple of times). How do you, as a vet, who has gone to school almost as long as any other doctor, learned about the ins and outs of breeding, caring for animals, find it quite alright for the abuses that are carried out on these puppy mills and in these backyard breeding facilities? Apparently no one has brought an abused mill Great Dane with cigar burns all over his body from some mill worker who thought it was funny to watch the dog writhe in pain into his exam room. Apparently he never saw this dog hobble with a permanent injury from being cramped in too small a cage. He never saw the scars on this dogs head, face, legs, mutilated tail, horrible fear of men. If he had he would stand up against all the pet store in our upper class, "Give it to me now, I don't have time to wait"snob infested area. So no....I have fought too hard and have given to many speeches both orally and in text against puppy mills to sit by and let this uncaring money hungry vet stick a thermometer up my dogs ass.
Screw him and screw puppy mills!!
Crap...I don't have time to spell check. Too bad. And sorry for the run ons. Deal with it.

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