Saturday, March 31, 2007

I just came across a children's animated cartoon about pinatas. Viva Pinata is based on the video game. Basically its a whole world where Pinatas play all day. This has to be the stupidest cartoon I have ever seen and I grew up the The Snorks and Monchichis. If you think about are watching a cartoon about very colorful festive fun animals that will meet their ultimate demise as they are hung from a rope while some blindfolded child beats the crap out of them with a stick until the animal is broken apart so the rest of the children can descend on the fallen remains like a pack of starving wolves to get as much of the animals sweet sweet candy innards as possible. What acid freak animator convinced a board room this was a good idea? Even Lotus stopped and took a quizzical look at the screen.
Lotus's spaniel aspect of her Cavalier heritage is beginning to blossom as she approaches the end of her second year. I heard her "predator alert" bark after I let her out this morning. I looked out the door and found her barking at a pigeon on the power line. A few weeks ago she carried a bird head into the house....that was gross.
I feel so bad for her...Duncan is 140 lbs now and he and Darla play so rough together because they are so huge. All Lotus can do is watch them. It's like watching a small child watch the big kids play and wish they were big enough to join in. It pulls at my heart. I so wish I could afford another Cavalier for her to play with. There was one pup rescued from a shut down mill I considered but her knees were operated on (because they don't care if they breed to dogs with bad knee caps in mills), she would have to be on meds for her whole life, no tile floors...and who knows if her heart will give out in a year or so because of the greedy breeders who dont care about quality. I could not afford the meds and emotionally neither Lotus or I could endure the oncoming suprise health issues of a mill dog. Plus that dog would never withstand the clumsy movements of the 140 lb freight train known as Duncan. Lotus can no longer play with Duncan for more than a few minutes because he is so rough. There is a CockaPoo on our block but I am a total snob and won't let my dog interact with with a demonic act of humans playing god. Every other small dog on the block is poorly socialized because people are idiots. Small dog are not house cats!!
The only normal small dog on the block it this adorable mix that was rescued from North Shore. These people really lucked out. I think it is an Alaskan Kleekai Shepherd or Kleekai Pomeranian mix. Its cute as hell and a little ballsy. I love her...what a great find...I told the people they lucked out. She was a year old when they got her and she is just terrific. If we see them outside we stop and chat. Their mix has a command presence despite being half Lo's size...Lo is immediately Lo to the ground but happy to play. The people are not very well versed in dogs so I am always happy to give them any advice because I miss training. They thought Lotus was a Shih-Tzu so they are a nice clean slate to work with. They are nice people and the fact that they rescued instead of buying a god awful designer breed is just a wonderful thing to me.

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