Monday, June 18, 2007

Puppy mill auction
The best is those god damn religious and fucking righteous. All these auctions are USDA licensed and inspected. This would leave people to believe that is the USDA says its ok that these dogs are fine and healthy. Watch the video and see what high standards the USDA has for the mill puppy. Then try not to think about the fact that they also inspect the factory farms and slaughter houses we get our meat from.
Alot of people tell me I take this too seriously...I can't save them all...but if I can show these images and help push for laws banning the sale of retail puppies then I have helped do something that can help the welfare and breeding quality of the domestic dog. So fuck you to the nay sayers.
I caused a huge debate on a message board....people became angry...but maybe in after thought they might Google up some of those horrific images and join in the fight to ban mills and backyard breeders. Or they can just wait until there dog lunges and tries to take off their what happened to my mother. Or feel and hear the snap of teeth just miss your face like I did far too frequently from the same over bred goldie. And then they can deal with the heartbreak of having to put that dog down like we had to do.
Alot of you have read this from me far too many times and to you I apologize...but if someone stumbles across this post and becomes aware, and takes further initiative to research this subject...then isn't worth the redundance.
Don't shop, Adopt....voice your anger to the pet stores that sell innocent victims of mills.

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