Puppy mill auction
The best is those god damn amish...how religious and fucking righteous. All these auctions are USDA licensed and inspected. This would leave people to believe that is the USDA says its ok that these dogs are fine and healthy. Watch the video and see what high standards the USDA has for the mill puppy. Then try not to think about the fact that they also inspect the factory farms and slaughter houses we get our meat from.
Alot of people tell me I take this too seriously...I can't save them all...but if I can show these images and help push for laws banning the sale of retail puppies then I have helped do something that can help the welfare and breeding quality of the domestic dog. So fuck you to the nay sayers.
I caused a huge debate on a message board....people became angry...but maybe in after thought they might Google up some of those horrific images and join in the fight to ban mills and backyard breeders. Or they can just wait until there dog lunges and tries to take off their face...like what happened to my mother. Or feel and hear the snap of teeth just miss your face like I did far too frequently from the same over bred goldie. And then they can deal with the heartbreak of having to put that dog down like we had to do.
Alot of you have read this from me far too many times and to you I apologize...but if someone stumbles across this post and becomes aware, and takes further initiative to research this subject...then isn't worth the redundance.
Don't shop, Adopt....voice your anger to the pet stores that sell innocent victims of mills.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Click Here to view undercover footage of puppy mill auctions. If you have purchased a dog from a pet store...you helped support this. Regardless of whether you claim you rescued it from the store or because the store was so clean and sparkly that it convinced you the place was caring...your money helps greedy people continue to exploit and abuse dogs.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I don't know what my problem is lately but I have been totally unmotivated lately. By the end of this month I can officially start building a dog training career...but I have barely done a thing to get started. Every aspect of my life had hit that same stagnancy. I feel like my brain just decided nothing is really worth doing let alone doing well. I stopped vacuuming because Lotus(aka Sheddy Lee) just keeps leaving all this hair everywhere. I am amazed at the amount of hair that can come off a 20 lb dog. I figured what is the point in vacuuming? I had clothes in every room of the apartment. It looks like a mall exploded in here. Dishes in the sink....clean dishes that have been in the dishwasher forever. My room was virtually unnavigable. For the past two or three weeks all I do is come home, sit at the computer and watch movies. When to tackle things...I can't focus and just get frustrated. I am so unable to finish a thought lately. My weekends are mostly me sitting on the couch watching movies or Justice Files. I should be doing so much more with my time...I mean these things are not going to magically get done. DBA's will not apply for themselves.
The stagnancy finally lifted today. I was in my conscious coma on the couch watching City Confidential. Half the day was already spent. I was staring at the hideously huge TumbleLee's....Sheddy Lee's hair ball tumble weeds. I looked across the whole carpet which now looked like a desolate dusty rose desert with these white flecked black balls of hair. My eyes widened as I lifted them and saw what a huge mess the apartment was. Where the hell have I been? Suddenly I was up off the couch folding clothes, scooping up hair balls....etc.
I think sometimes we get in that mental rut....then we let our surroundings reflect that which in turn makes it alot harder to get out of the rut. I have let too much build up due to my inactivity. Not just the apartment, getting things together for dog training....plus I really need a second job to pay some bills off a little faster. I've been screwing off big time these past few months...when I should have been moving along and building things up...I simply shut down, fell away, focused on things that really need not be a priority just now. I need to get my energy back on track and focused. The mental coma has ended....whether I want to or not its seriously time to get my ass in gear, suck it up and do what needs to be done in order to accomplish the things I feel I need to.
My brother oddly enough was the one who pointed this out.
"Did you ever feel like nothing is going to get any better and that to keep going is pointless?"
"That's because you are not doing anything...too much time to think when you should be working on what you need. You are sitting here pining about where you are and how nothing will get better instead of doing something about it. Its not going to happen on its own. And in turn this inactivity is giving you too much time to think with despair"
"Jesus Christ, you just gave me the same speech I have given so many others....I'm an ass...I should take the advice I give everyone else"
From that conversation I realized maybe some of my stagnancy might also be coming from a fear of failing or missing out....but in reality....I'll wind up missing more by just sitting here.
The stagnancy finally lifted today. I was in my conscious coma on the couch watching City Confidential. Half the day was already spent. I was staring at the hideously huge TumbleLee's....Sheddy Lee's hair ball tumble weeds. I looked across the whole carpet which now looked like a desolate dusty rose desert with these white flecked black balls of hair. My eyes widened as I lifted them and saw what a huge mess the apartment was. Where the hell have I been? Suddenly I was up off the couch folding clothes, scooping up hair balls....etc.
I think sometimes we get in that mental rut....then we let our surroundings reflect that which in turn makes it alot harder to get out of the rut. I have let too much build up due to my inactivity. Not just the apartment, getting things together for dog training....plus I really need a second job to pay some bills off a little faster. I've been screwing off big time these past few months...when I should have been moving along and building things up...I simply shut down, fell away, focused on things that really need not be a priority just now. I need to get my energy back on track and focused. The mental coma has ended....whether I want to or not its seriously time to get my ass in gear, suck it up and do what needs to be done in order to accomplish the things I feel I need to.
My brother oddly enough was the one who pointed this out.
"Did you ever feel like nothing is going to get any better and that to keep going is pointless?"
"That's because you are not doing anything...too much time to think when you should be working on what you need. You are sitting here pining about where you are and how nothing will get better instead of doing something about it. Its not going to happen on its own. And in turn this inactivity is giving you too much time to think with despair"
"Jesus Christ, you just gave me the same speech I have given so many others....I'm an ass...I should take the advice I give everyone else"
From that conversation I realized maybe some of my stagnancy might also be coming from a fear of failing or missing out....but in reality....I'll wind up missing more by just sitting here.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I've had Netflix for over a month. In that time...I still have yet to sit through one fucking movie uninterrupted. I might as well have kids at this point. Lotus' interruptions I can understand...but everyone else in the main part of the house just waltzes the fuck in annoys the hell out of me! A two hour movie should not be a six hour endevour!!!! And they see I am in the middle of a movie and then come back 10 minutes later with a far more ludicrous reason to bother me. I should just wait until like 3a.m. and then watch the friggin thing. God I fucking hate this goddamn place. Ugh. I am just overly aggravated with everything lately. The only way I can duck out of all the bullshit is watch a movie and I can't even fucking get that!!!!!! God forbid I get an hour and a half of some fucking piece of mind....the god damn world would probably spin off its axis. Just a couple of hours of peace, not having to worry about money, my future, my appearance, people's opinions, peoples' stupidity...two fucking hours that it, thats all!!!!!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
OK. So now I need to take my truck in to get fixed. I asked my mother if she can give me a ride to and from work. She can't. Great right. No one I know lives or works close enough to me to help out with a ride.
The bullshit gets better. Lotus needs her check up and shots. I have enough money to do one or the other...unless I put one on a credit card...which I only pray I have enough room on a card. I'm stressing big time. I can barely afford to exist as it is. I am trying to work out a plan while my mom and I are taking the dogs for a walk. She keeps changing the fucking subject to "look how they did their yard...", "What's that noise?" "Blah blah blah." I voiced my frustration, what is her reply. A god speech..I need to pray..I need to accept christ yadda yadda yadda. Once again....I have a serious problem and someone tells me to pray. Is it me? Oh, pray and you'll feel better? Sounds like a little something I call "Fuck it, I don't care"....same results. Apparently god is a mechanic AND a vet, I have an OBGYN appointment to?"You need to get in to god's stirrups and scoot to then end of the holy exam table. LOL...can he help with that?
Well Lotus's health comes first, but I really don't feel like being stranded in the ghetto because my truck decided to take a nap. So in lieu of all this I had to budget my grocery shopping under 40 bucks....and oh the fine quality vittles one can obtain for 40 bucks. Apparently I was not shopping at God Mart.
I should just pack it up and move to Iowa as planned. Atleast you can survive financially there...in Gods Country.
The bullshit gets better. Lotus needs her check up and shots. I have enough money to do one or the other...unless I put one on a credit card...which I only pray I have enough room on a card. I'm stressing big time. I can barely afford to exist as it is. I am trying to work out a plan while my mom and I are taking the dogs for a walk. She keeps changing the fucking subject to "look how they did their yard...", "What's that noise?" "Blah blah blah." I voiced my frustration, what is her reply. A god speech..I need to pray..I need to accept christ yadda yadda yadda. Once again....I have a serious problem and someone tells me to pray. Is it me? Oh, pray and you'll feel better? Sounds like a little something I call "Fuck it, I don't care"....same results. Apparently god is a mechanic AND a vet, I have an OBGYN appointment to?"You need to get in to god's stirrups and scoot to then end of the holy exam table. LOL...can he help with that?
Well Lotus's health comes first, but I really don't feel like being stranded in the ghetto because my truck decided to take a nap. So in lieu of all this I had to budget my grocery shopping under 40 bucks....and oh the fine quality vittles one can obtain for 40 bucks. Apparently I was not shopping at God Mart.
I should just pack it up and move to Iowa as planned. Atleast you can survive financially there...in Gods Country.
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